Archery Peep Apertures

Sale price$11.99 CAD

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SKU#: 04NX02S

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This black aperture for a peep sight is the small opening through which an archer looks when aiming.

This apertures come in various diameters, ranging from 1/16 inch to 1/8,1/16,1/32,3/32,3/64 inch. Smaller apertures improve accuracy in bright conditions, while larger ones are better for low-light situations.

Made from aluminum alloy, designed to withstand outdoor use.

Mounted on the bowstring, the peep sight is positioned to align with the bow sight for optimal aiming.

The aperture helps in maintaining a consistent sight picture, allowing for better alignment with the target.

This package includes 1x set of each 1/8,1/16,1/32,3/32,3/64 apertures.

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